In this magazine, Mojo uses a plain white background with accent colours of red, green and yellow to connote Bob Marley's background and where he comes from. This further complements the main splash of Bob Marley who is looking straight forward portraying a positive view of himself to the reader. This suggests that Mojo see their musicians as light hearted and always fun. This Magazine contrasts the normal route of Mojo magazines front covers where the musicians are young white males and the style of the magazine is produced around the musician too make it seem like they are powerful. Therefore, This Mojo magazine of Bob Marley is presented as a less serious magazine with a much more happy vibe which could connote the reggae style of music Bob Marley plays.
Furthermore, Mojo have got Bob Marley looking straight at the audience rather than off into the distance like most of the typical covers of their magazine. This may be because Mojo want the typical reader to connect with Marley rather than be distances from the magazine as they also want the reader to feel the happy vibe of the magazine and connote the idea of reggae through all of these colours and happiness positively.
Mark 4 out of 5
ReplyDeleteRed, yellow and green are the Jamaican colours associated with reggae, which you state at the end, but put it first - start always with the big, over-arching points (like reggae). You are right about the sense of fun, so develop this point and draw attention to Marley's relaxed, open, warm, friendly representation.
He is shot in natural light.
The crumpled monochrome photograph of Jamaican sound systems suggests that Jamaican Reggae comes out of poverty and has an authenticity due to these roots.
The selection of a photograph of highly decorated sound systems suggests that Jamaican Reggae comes out of a folk tradition with a rich heritage of creativity