Wednesday 27 March 2019

Question 1, 5 Marker

In the extract, Mis-en-sen is constantly used as we can see from the setting. the setting is layed out as a low class house, reasonably small with a large amount of people inside. There are bottles and cigarettes laying everywhere and rubbish all over the floor. This could be to portray the typical living accommodation of a criminal in Brighton. The state of the house suggests that these people do not work hard or are very clean presenting them as lower class members of society.

It is also used in clothes, The lower class men and women in the house seem to be wearing baggy clothes that do not cover up most of their body as well as having a tattoos. This also connotes lower class people as their presentation is very off putting to those whom want to approach them.

1 comment:

  1. spelling of mise-en-scene

    2 1/2 out of 5
    Focus less on social class and more on social attitude. 'Lower class' does not equal 'not hard working' or dirty.
    The meaning behind this mise-en-scene is to show them as socially irresponsible, defiant, not law-abiding. The alcohol suggests their lack of self-control.


Question 1, 5 Marker

In the extract, Mis-en-sen is constantly used as we can see from the setting. the setting is layed out as a low class house, reasonably smal...