Tuesday, 31 October 2017


In the 1st episode of cuffs we see the chief giving a speech on the podium. We can tell by the clothing and scene that he is the head policeman. He is standing on a podium so he is tall than everyone else. This is not only so he can project his voice but also because it shows that his is the most important in the room. As well as this he has a professional uniform which include gloves and a chief head hat. Everyone around him has positioned themselves facing towards the podium, hand in front of them and shoulder back.

Earlier on in the episode in one of the first scenes we experience a pursuit policeman trying to sort out a squabble on a naturalist beach. there are two nudists and 5 stag men on the beach.  The nudists seem to be protecting their dignity as all that is between them and everyone else is a towel. The stag men have props and costumes. The props include a human sized play doll, swords and viking helmets. The viking helmets represent strength and power to show that people shouldn't mess with them. Whereas the policeman is wearing a full uniform with all the equipment around his waist for example tasers and handcuffs. This shows us that he wants people to take him seriously and respect him.

1 comment:

  1. Marks 3/5
    On the right lines but be sure to give precise details (eg. white gloves - much more formal); lectern; other officers etc)
    Better on the naturist beach scene.


Question 1, 5 Marker

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